
Biological Information
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Deception as Mimicry
Philosophy of Science

Understanding Structural Representations
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 88: 1533-1554

What Deception reveals about Plant Cognition
(forthcoming), In P.
Schulte, G. Ferreti i T. Schlicht (eds.), Green Intelligence? Essays in the Philosophy of Plant Minds. Routledge

Las Teorías Naturalistas del Significado
(forthcoming), in I. Vicario, Filosofía del Lenguaje. Tecnos

Neural Oscillations as Representations
(2023), British Journal for the Philosophy of Science.  (with Manolo Martínez), 74(3): 619-648

A Dual-Aspect Theory of Artifact Functions
Erkenntnis, 88: 1533-1554

Lies, More Lies and Still More Lies 
Teorema, 42(1): 53-75

Mentiras, Engaños y Falsedades
(2023) A Conocimiento, lenguaje y acción. Ensayos en homenaje a Tobies Grimaltos. Editorial Pretextos, pp. 229-249

Deepfakes, Shallows Epistemic Graves. On the Epistemic Robustenss of Photography and Videos in the Era of Deepfakes. 
Synthese, 200(6): 1-22 (with Paloma Atencia-Linares)

(2022), in J. Galindo and M. Martínez, Conceptos de Biología Evolutiva para las Ciencias Sociales y las Humanidades, 532-538

Strong Liberal Representationalism
Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 21 (3):645-667 

Signals are Minimal Causes
Synthese, 198: 8581–8599

Bacterial Communication
Biology and Philosophy, 36(4): 1-19

Beyond Black Dots and Nutritious Things: A Solution to the Indeterminacy Problem
Mind and Language, 36(3):  471-490

Biological Functions and Natural Selection: A Reappraisal
(2021), European Journal for Philosophy of Science, 11(2): 1-22

A Defense of the Moral and Legal Right to Secede 
Ethics and Global Politics, 14: 18-35

Russell y la Desobediencia Civil
(2021) In J. Gimeno, V. Luque y S. Pérez, B. Russell: Herencia y Actualidad. Tirant Lo Blanc

The Meaning of Biological Signals.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences. 84:101348 (with Jonathan Birch and Manolo Martínez) 

Models, Information and Meaning.
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences. 82:101284

Informational Theories of Content and Mental Representation
(2020), Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 11 (3):613-627. (with Miguel Ángel Sebastián)

Can Informational Theories Account for Metarepresentations?
(2020), Topoi, 39 (1):81-94 (with Miguel Ángel Sebastián)

Deception: A Functional Account
(2018) Philosophical Studies, 175 (3): 570-600  (with Cédric Paternotte)

Liberal Representationalism: A Deflationist Defense
(2016), Dialectica, 70 (3) : 407-430

Teleosemantic Modeling of Cognitive Representations
(2016), Biology and Philosophy, 31 (4): 483-505

Es pot Naturalitzar la Intencionalitat?
(2016), Quaderns de Filosofia, 3(2):  83-119

New Perspectives on Artifactual and Biological Functions
(2016), Applied Ontology, 11 (2): 89-102

Rescuing Tracking Theories of Morality
(2015), Philosophical Studies, 172(12): 3357-3374

The Organisational Account of Function is an Etiological Account of Function
(2015), Acta Biotheoretica, 64 (2):105-117. (with Manolo Martinez)

Millikan and Her Critics (review)
(2015) Mind, 124 (494): 679-683

The Modal Theory of Function is not About Functions
(2014) Philosophy of Science, 81(4): 581-590

Signaling Without Cooperation
(2014) Biology and Philosophy, 29(3): 357-378

Teleosemantics, Info-telsemantics and Circularity
(2014) International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 22(4): 583-603

Prinz’s Naturalistic Theory of Intentional Content
(2014) Crítica, 46 (136): 69-86

Teleosemantics and Pushmi-Pullyu Representations
(2013) Erkenntnis,  79(3): 545- 566

Reliable Misrepresentation and Teleosemantics
(2013) Disputatio, 37(5): 265-281

The Limits of Freedom as Non-Domination
(2012) Astrolabio. Revista Internacional de Filosofia, 13: 37-46

On Several Misuses of Sober’s Selection for/Selection of Distinction
(2011) Topoi. An International Review of Philosophy, 30(2): 181-193

Re-Organizing Organizational Accounts of Function
(2011) Applied Ontology, 6: 105–124

Learning and Selection Processes
(2010) Theoria, 25(2): 197-210